Thursday, March 28, 2013

The Basis for What I Believe

These days it seems that there is a myriad of beliefs, causes, and schools of thought for which people are standing and making their thoughts known.  Don't believe me?  Check your Facebook news feed.  It seems that everyone is "standing" for something.  When I see these things, the question I always ask myself is, "Why do you believe what you believe?"  There has to be some basis for believing a certain way.  Is it emotion?  Upbringing?  What was taught in school?  I try to have only one basis for believing the way I do, and it can be found in the first part of Romans 4:3:  "For what saith the scripture?"  Those same words are found again in Galatians 4:30, and, phrased slightly differently, in several other passages.  Jesus, in His dealings with people, often quoted Scripture to them.  He even quoted Scripture directly to Satan when that wicked creature tried to tempt Him.  I think it's safe to say that God honors His Word.  Psalm 138:2 even tells us that God has magnified His Word above His name.  As a Christian, I believe that the Bible is completely true, without error, and the only thing upon which I can stand.  If you were to ask me why I believe a certain way about an issue, I hope that my answer will always be, "because the Bible says so."

Having said all that, I'd like to address the issue of the day, which is once again homosexuality.  I've seen so much about this lately that, if it weren't for the fact that I chat with friends and family whom I don't get to see very often, I'd be on a Facebook hiatus right now.  Everyone has an opinion on the matter.  So once again, I go to my verse:  "For what saith the scripture?"  I addressed much of this in my last post, so I won't rehash it now.  Suffice it to say that God does not approve of homosexuality.  See Romans 1:26-28 for the clearest description of what God's Word has to say about the matter.  I know that this is not popular in today's society.  There will be those who say that God's Word is fine for church, but that it has no place in our society.  It never ceases to amaze me that people will tell the Creator of the universe, the very One Who created them, that He and His Word have no place in our society.  How is it that we are brazen enough to try to put God in a box?  As for me, God's Word is the only sure thing upon which I can stand, and therefore, I choose to believe what He has said.  Marriage is an institution that was created by God, beginning with the very first man and woman that He created.  Society may change it's mind on the issue, but God never will.  "For I am the LORD, I change not."  (Malachi 3:6)

There are those who are going to call me hateful and homophobic.  Neither are true.  You can love someone while still believing that their lifestyle is wrong.  Allow me to illustrate, by pointing you to a beautiful story about my Lord.  It is found in John 8.  Here we find that some men had brought a woman who had been caught in an adulterous affair to Jesus .  They intended to stone her.  Jesus stopped them simply by saying, "He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her."  The woman's accusers left one by one, until Jesus and the woman were the only two left standing there.  Jesus asked her where her accusers were.  "Hath no man condemned thee?" He asked?  When she replied in the negative, Jesus responded, "Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more."  Is that not a beautiful glimpse into the heart of Christ?  Did Jesus love her?  Absolutely.  He saved her from a death sentence.  But did He condone her actions?  He most certainly did not.  In fact, He called her actions sin, and told her not to do it anymore.  Following the example of Jesus, we can love those whose lifestyles are sinful according to God's Word.

So allow me to wrap up.  I used the example of homosexuality because it seems to be the great debate that is going on right now.  But that is only one issue.  There are many others, and I will always, always try to base my beliefs on what the Bible says.  I did not set out to be offensive, but if God's Word offends you, then I simply cannot help it.  But you can be sure of one thing:  Jesus loves you, no matter your background or your lifestyle.  He laid down His life for you.  I hope that you will choose to accept Him.  There's nothing better!